Place of construction:14712 Rathenow, GermanyYear of construction:20082 Buffer tanksDiameter: 10.24 m
Height: 5.67 m
Volume: 470 m³ each
Tank equipment: with emission control roof2 FermentersDiameter: 17.92 m
Height: 19.67 m
Volume: 4,960 m³ each
Tank equipment: with central agitatorSecondary fermenterDiameter: 21.33 m
Height: 5.67 m
Volume: 2,030 m³
Tank equipment: with attached gas depot, volume: 2,400 m³Digestate depotDiameter: 24.75 m
Height: 5.67 m
Volume: 2,730 m³
Tank equipment: with emission control roof
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Henze-Harvestore GmbH
Schmelzerstr. 17
59425 Unna
TEL +49 23 03.9 61 23-0
FAX +49 23 03.9 61 23-23
EMAIL info(at)
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